And Go Be It.
I saw this saying on Facebook today. It fits with my thoughts lately.
I watched one of my best friends finish her first half marathon yesterday. I want to do that again (I did a full marathon and a half marathon back in 2003).
Another friend posted on Facebook this weekend about her weight loss. I want to lose weight. I'm tired of my hips aching, my knees aching, my ankles aching.
So what am I going to do about this? Well, today I tracked what I ate. I went for a walk around the block mid-afternoon.
It's a start. And tomorrow the plan is to track what I eat, and take another walk. Maybe a little further this time.
And if I keep doing this, I can build a foundation to train next year.
And next year, I'll be crossing the finish line. I've decided that next year I'll be a finisher. So now I'll work to be it.
I'm starting a diet too. I found a great way to track what I eat and it's free:) Plus it has Canadian food options which is something you don't usually find.
I admire your resolve! If I could just stop finding new excuses why I can't, maybe I could! Gorgeous photos today! And people think Sask is all flat and yellow (even in winter when its white!)