Saturday 1 February 2014

Needed a Spot of Colour

Like a lot of people, I work in an office with boring walls.  Mine are light grey.  I had been putting off putting anything on the walls as we had been told that renovations would be coming soon.

Well, they're not.  We're hearing rumours that it will be February 2015 before anything starts.  So, I decided to heck with it.  I need colour!

So, I took a couple of my quilted wall hangings with me, and up on the walls they went.

I started this one while I was off on stress leave a few years ago.  I've always called it "I'm not a Basket Case!".  It was made using a Kansas Troubles charm pack. Kansas Troubles fabrics are a favourite of mine.

Even though this one is somewhat Valentines themed, it may stay up for a while.  The bright colours are badly needed in my windowless office.


1 comment:

  1. ooh I love the pink hearts! Great idea
